Hi friends!!!
my first day blog has arrived.
first of all I want to apologize to all of you cause the mail you received from me was with no link on it.
I have a big hole in my head...sorry me..you know I'm blonde and blondes we are stupids...its a congenital defect..
I like another word: pitifully...I don't know the right meaning of this word...gilipollas tal vez/maybe??? do you know the meaning?? plz let me know it.
yes..I know..I'm pitifully....me is the meaning..hehehe
writing about meanings I have to write about the meaningless or the nonsenses.
these days we were onlookers of some meaningless events. We have no words to explain it.
A friend of mine sent me an image. No words. A little child looking for his life over a mountain of destruction. We are so vulnerable.
We are very lucky for be alive. We must to be happy to have the chance everyday to love, to be with our closest friends, to feel the pain and the happiness, to see the star on the sky....to be...
Wish I live in a world when child don't need to cry at birth.
loads of love
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