Saturday, October 29, 2005


Today I'm going to talk about a book that enjoyed so much that it became one of my favorites: The Golem.

The Golem is Gustav Meyrink's masterly 1915 retelling of the legend of the blasphemous creation of an artificial man by Rabbi Loew in the Prague ghetto of the sixteenth century. Meyinrick's novel is an exploration of personal identity and the horror inherent in the search for self-knowledge. In this brooding, atmospheric story, the monster terrorising the streets of Prague is inextricably bound up with the psyche of the people who live there.
this novel inspired the well known Borges' novel The Aleph.

While the legend of the golem is a product of Jewish folk tradition, its origins lost in those obscuring mists of time everyone is always talking about. But what is a Golem???
A Golem, perhaps the best known of the Jewish legends, is an automaton, typically humanoid and typically male, created as the result of an intense, systematic, mystical meditation. The word golem means (or implies) something unformed and imperfect, or a body without a soul. The word appears once in the Bible, in Psalms 139:15-16.

The story of the Golem begins in the old city of Prague. the Rabbi of that city created a golem to defend the Prague guetto from anti-semitic attacks. According to the legend, Golem could be made of clay from the banks of the Vltava river in Prague. Following the prescribed rituals, the Rabbi built the Golem and made him come to life by reciting a special incantation in Hebrew.

The Cabbala said, "A Golem must be made of the sticky clay from the bank of the Moldavka River. Make the face, hands and feet out of clay. Roll it over on its back. Walk around the form of clay from right to left seven times." As you walk around the form, shout, "Shanti, Shanti, Dahat, Dahat!"
The Golem would obey the Rabbi's every order and would help and protect the people of the Jewish Ghetto. However, as he grew bigger, he also became more violent and started killing people and spreading fear. Rabbi Loew was promised that the violence against the Jews would stop if the Golem was destroyed.

During the Second World War, the Golem crops up again. Survivors of the Holocaust said that The Golem safeguarded the Synagogue of Prague. When german soldiers came into the Synagogue they saw a shadow of a giant hand falling from the window onto the floor. The Germans were terrified and they threw away their tools and fled away in panic.
A popular variation on the story has the Golem rebel and become an uncontrolled monster before being stopped and returned to clay. It has been speculated that Mary Shelley patterned Frankenstein on this story.
The Golem has appeared several times on the screen.

El Golem, de Gustav Meyrink, tiene su origen en el conjunto de leyendas de la Cábala judía sobre la creación artificial de vida mediante el poder evocador de las letras. El ser artificial de la novela de Meyrink vuelve a la vida cada 33 años y vive en una habitación sin acceso situada en algún lugar del laberinto del ghetto de Praga. El Golem se erige como una figura de doble significado: de un lado, representa el doble del protagonista, Athanasius Pernath; de otro, la conciencia colectiva del ghetto, que anuncia la guerra y la destrucción. La novela aparece envuelta en una atmósfera onírica y angustiosa, donde se mezclan lo visible y lo invisible, el sueño y la realidad, a través de la cual Pernath se esfuerza por superar las esferas materiales para alcanzar el reino espiritual.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Edvard Munch's two most famous paintings, The Scream and his erotically-charged Madonna, were nabbed from a Norwegian art gallery at gunpoint a year ago.
The Scream is my favorite painting and not only Edvard Munch’s most famous work, it is also his most stolen.
The Scream was painted in 1893, at a time of profound changes in European societies. Those upheavals were very much reflected in the artistic production of the time period, which had been freed by the Impressionists twenty years earlier and was becoming more and more complex. Edvard Munch's work lies somewhere between Symbolism and Expressionism, much like other painters of his generation such as Vincent van Gogh and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
The scream is as much a cry of help as a cry of anguish. The angst radiates out from the ghoulish face of the screamer, The world of The Scream is a dying world; the fear is that at any moment this world will simply disappear.
Munch wrote, concerning the image:
I was walking along a path with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black
Sometimes I only feel this angst. I like this painting. I feel the empty..I feel the minute of decay..I'm on my way down...

Monday, October 24, 2005


laddies and watchful of your tv screen!!!
we have "the kate snortting video"!!!!!!

disgusting!!! revolting!!! dirty!!!

while Kate was snortting cocaine, people was snortting hypocrisy.
Kate became an star on this fucking dope show world and now this fucking world wanna condemn her.
First, this dope show used kate as a glamourous and fashion icon. Now they are abusing of this poor and sick little woman.
They created an heroin chic and now they reject her in view of drug evidence.
KATE ROCKSSS!!!!!!!!!!

Qué asco y qué repugnancia me da el ver cómo sale en TV el vídeo donde presuntamente kate esnifa cocaína. si quieren primicia, que pongan cámaras en los despachos de los directivos de las cadenas de TV y verán cocaína.
A Kate la convirtieron en una especie de "heroin chic" y ahora esos mismos hipócritas e hijos de puta la rechazan cuando ven evidencias de consumo de drogas. esos mismos que mañana volverán a llenar las pasarelas de moda con niñas de 12 años, maquilladas como si tuvieran 20, y con aspecto lánguido, andrógino y como no, con aspecto de drogadictas.
qué asco me dan!! comercializar con la iamgen de una chica que está enferma, al igual que otra mucha gente...y digo mucha gente, porque kate no es la única, ni la primera, ni la última, ni la más...porqué consentimos que las estrellas del rock abusen de las drogas y no permitimos las 4 rayas de kate???...
lo dicho: aquí se esnifa demasiada hipcresía

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

absinthe-lamort (spanish version)

.....y aquí está la spanish version, para los amiguetes que así me lo solicitaron
la traducción va a ser más bien aproximada...

hace un ya algún tiempo probé la Feè Vert..el Hada momento el hada no la he visto, ya que para poder verla has de coger una melopea de campeonato o echarle unas gotias de opio al terrón de azúcar...y eso ya son palabras mayores. En españa tenemos costumbre de tomarnos nuestra cazalla matutina cuando llega el invierno, pero de ahí a meternos unas gotas de opio nada más levantarnos...hay que ser valiente!! (y drogadicto, claro).

Lo más espectacular de la absenta es el ritual que conlleva. Has de tener una serie de utensilios para su buena preparación. A mí me fascinan los decantadores y las cucharillas. Existen bonitas reproducciones de cucharillas antiguas art decó. Los vasos también han de ser especiales, y también hay reproducciones de antiguedades.
yo suelo echar un chorrito de absenta en el vaso, pones la cucharilla sobre el vaso, le echas unas gotitas de absenta al terrón de azúcar, le prendes fuego y voilà!! cosa bonita....cuando se apaga el terrón echas lentamente un chorrito de agua fría sobre lo que queda del terrón y ves cómo la absenta cambia de color y se vuelve de un verde lechoso. Es lo que se llama "efecto palometa" (también se hace con la cazalla)

pero qué tiene la absenta que la hace tan atractiva?? sin duda su leyenda. El consumo de absenta nos lleva directamente al siglo XIX, al París del Moulin Rouge, de los poetas bohemios y malditos, y de los grandes artistas del XIX y XX.
Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec, Picasso, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allan Poe, Ernst Hemingway...son conocidos también por su pasión a la absenta. No sabemos si tiene un efecto creativo, pero durante un tiempo la absenta fue prohibida, se decía que producía convulsiones, paranoias, alucinaciones..que más quisiéramos, jejeje
La verdad es que la absenta se hizo tan popular en Francia que durante ese tiempo ensombreció el consumo de vino..Oh, el vino en la France!!!! Así que emnpezaron a darle mala fama a la absenta hasta que la prohibieron. Un apunte, en España y en Portugal, jamás se prohibió su fabricación. De hecho, aquí se fabrican unas buenas absentas que nada tienen que envidiar a las francesas.

Actualmente, la única absenta prohibida en Europa es la checa. Y es que esta última tiene una concentración de tuyonas de un 60%, cuando aquí rondan el 4-8% como máximo, lo normal es que tengan bastante menos de 4%. La tuyona es la sustancia que contiene la artemisa (planta a partir de la cual se elabora la absenta) y que tiene el efecto alucinógeno. Vamos que si os pasais por una herboristería y comprais artemisa, os haceis una infusión y a flipar un rato..ríete del dr. cogollo...

Hay absenta verde, roja y negra, incluso morada. Lo normal es que sea verde. En Mallorca se fabrica muy buena, además de licores de hierbas muy buenos. También en Castellón tenemos una buena destilería de absenta que sigue la fórmula tradicional.

Si uds. deciden tomar un trago de absenta, por favor, no en chupitos...qué poco glamour y qué sacrilegio!!!! hay que hacerlo según el ritual, y dejarse llevar...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

absinthe-la mort

Absinthe was the drink of choice among artist and writers in the mid to late19th century. It inspired poets and appeared in works by Pablo Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh. It was drank by the scandalous and my favorite writter too Oscar Wilde, Toulousse Lautrec, the poets Charles Baudelaire and Edgar Allen Poe, and the famous 20th century author Ernest Hemingway, just to mention a few. they are some of my favorites artist too.
As its popularity grew, absinthe was the subject of many studies into alcoholism, at the time it was referred to as Absinthism, which was characterized by addiction, epileptic attacks, delirium, and hallucinations. Absinthe was ultimately banned.
Absinthe is a drink that contains a high-level of alcohol, typically 68%. The most important ingredient of Absinthe is the herb wormwood (Artimisia Absinthium); it is what sets it apart from other drinks and is how it acquired its name. The essential oils in wormwood contains the chemical Thujone, which is a toxin when taken in large amounts. There have been several reports that wormwood has psychoactive effects.

The Traditional French Absinthe Ritual

Absinthe, because of it's bitterness, is traditionally served with a sugar cube. In the late 1800's and early 1900's, it was fashionable to serve the sugar cube on a flat, slotted spoon that held the sugar in place over the glass of absinthe. Water was slowly dripped on the cube, and the resulting syrup dripped through the holes in the spoon and mixed with the absinthe. As the composition of the absinthe liqueur changed, the alcohol percentage dropped, forcing the anise and other essential herbal oils to precipitate out. This caused the absinthe to take on a milky appearance, if it was made properly. (Poorly made absinthe may not show this effect. Additionally, poor absinthe often has color added to it to make it appear an unnatural emerald green.)

The Modern, or "Bohemian" Absinthe Ritual

A new method of sweetening Absinthe has recently become popular. Once the absinthe is poured (now as a shot), a small amount of sugar in a spoon is dipped into the glass, soaked, and withdrawn. The sugar is then set on fire until it melts and caramelizes, and then is stirred into the drink. Cold water is then added to the drink to put out the alcohol fire.

enjoy absinthe!!!!!

Friday, October 14, 2005


I feel I'm drowning
today I wish only be dead..

hope I'll be better tomorrow...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

first day

Hi friends!!!
my first day blog has arrived.
first of all I want to apologize to all of you cause the mail you received from me was with no link on it.
I have a big hole in my head...sorry know I'm blonde and blondes we are stupids...its a congenital defect..
I like another word: pitifully...I don't know the right meaning of this word...gilipollas tal vez/maybe??? do you know the meaning?? plz let me know it.
yes..I know..I'm is the meaning..hehehe

writing about meanings I have to write about the meaningless or the nonsenses.
these days we were onlookers of some meaningless events. We have no words to explain it.
A friend of mine sent me an image. No words. A little child looking for his life over a mountain of destruction. We are so vulnerable.
We are very lucky for be alive. We must to be happy to have the chance everyday to love, to be with our closest friends, to feel the pain and the happiness, to see the star on the be...
Wish I live in a world when child don't need to cry at birth.

loads of love

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

hello friends from myspace

hi friends

I've created a new blog here....hope write everyday.....maybe meaningless messages...a meaningless diary of my meaningless, oh life!!

I'm drinking my diet coke.....nonsense diary

don't forget be near your closest friends
have a great day!!!!
love, Mariesaddie

fe de erratas

decía que hay errores
tengo los dedos muy ligeros y una dislexia muy avanzada

fe de erratas

todavía no he empezado en esto y ya veo la de faltas ortográficas que he dejado en mi primera publicación
maldita dislexia!!!!!
no me lo tengan en cuenta

I am welcome

al fin decidí volver a publicar un blog. El primer intento fue en diciembre de 2004 (sí, ha llovido un poco desde entonces, aunque no lo suficiente como para llenar los pantanos...dicen que hay sequía..que beban cerveza).

me embarco ahora en la tarea de tener este blog es una promesa, ni un hecho que se vaya a ahcer realidad, es simplemente una manera de darme ánimos para empezar única verdad es que suelo dejar las cosas a mitad, pierdo el interés, seré caprichosa????

y ahora cuando estaba toda concentrada aquí escribiendo, viene alguien a molestar....qué fastidio!!!!! y claro, se me va el hilo..hilo que no tengo, porque estoy haceindo un mero ejercicio de escritura autómica...hala, lo que salga...

voy a publicar esto y a ver cómo sale
saludos a todos los que me leen
dejen algún quieren